Monday, May 4, 2009

Good Looks Tay

My Mans Did a feature on me and I am appreciative! He actually showed me in a good light this was like one of my first interviews, he also did a documentary on me. I cant wait to get it on a DVD to upload.
Here's A Preview for the whole thing check the blog...

Hampton University is home to many talented, young artists who are trying to become the next big celebrity in the music industry. Flashing lights, expensive clothes, world tours, and number one selling albums are just a few of the things that Philadelphia native, William Drayton, better known as Euro P. Gold, is on his way to experiencing.

Gold is a freshman at Hampton University who is currently majoring in Public Relations. Hopefully one day being able to manage his own firm if things don’t work out with music.

The determined Public Relations major has been grinding toward his dream since the tender age of eleven.

When Philly was making its name in the music industry with artist like The Roots, Freeway, and Beanie Siegel, Gold was one of the few people who didn’t get to experience the hip-hop movement in the area.

“There was no BET allowed for the longest in my house,” Gold says, “I had to listen to what my mom and aunts were listening to.”

With his mom listening to chart toppers from the O’Jays, Lou Rawls, and other soulful sounds of the 1960s, Gold could do nothing but take the music that was readily accessible and create a sound of his own.

Drayton went through plenty of changes that evolved him into the artist that is Euro P. Gold. From the name change to Euro P Gold, to wittier punch lines and more focused on what the goal is in front.

The artist’s name is an inventive creation based on three people who have impacted his life in major ways.

Euro, the first part of the alias, was given to Gold by a deceased, childhood friend who always referred to him as such. “When Markie passed away I had to make this a part of my name” a serious Gold explains, “He was a big influence on me.”

The second part of the name was influenced by Huey P Newton, radical leader of the Black Panthers, whose ideas interested Gold. Some of those principles that Newton believed in even shows up in Gold’s more conscious raps.

Ari Gold from the HBO series Entourage is where the last part of the name came in. The name Gold ties the whole persona together. As Gold explains it his self the best “with all these names you get a rich intellectual who can be a pain at times.”

For the rest check out

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